Design Details - Item Tracking Lines Window

Item tracking records and reservation records are created in the reservation system, and their availability is calculated dynamically. Data that is entered in the Item Tracking Lines window is managed in a temporary version of the Tracking Specification table. When the window is closed, the active data is committed to the Reservation Entry table and the historic data is committed to the Tracking Specification table. For more information, see Design Details: Active versus Historic Item Tracking Entries.

Lookups from the Serial No. and Lot No. fields show availability based on both the Item Ledger Entry table and the Reservation Entry table, with no date filter. The matrix of quantity fields on the header of the Item Tracking Lines window dynamically displays the quantities and sums of item tracking numbers that are being entered on the lines of the window. The quantities must correspond to those of the document line, which is indicated by 0 in the Undefined fields in the header of the window.

To coordinate the flow of serial and lot numbers through inventory, the following rules exist for entering data in the Item Tracking Lines window:

The rules for entering data in the Item Tracking Lines window also support the coupling principles that govern order tracking, planning, and reservation. For more information, see Design Details: Item Tracking and Planning.

See Also

Design Details: Item Tracking

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