What's New in JustFood 2018 Applications

This section explains the changes that were made to the applications that work with JustFood.

Some of the new functions have a short video clip demonstrating the changes. Look for the Video Icon icon.

You can find information about the following topics:


Floor was updated to work with JustFood 2018.

O365 Authentication

You now have the option of logging in to Floor using the Office 365 (O365) authentication. You can choose between using Windows authentication, (default method), NAV authentication or O365 authentication. O365 authentication is used by Cloud customers, and is typically set up by the IndustryBuilt IT team.

The following parameters were added to the web.config file:

Floor User Setup

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You can now choose if a default company is assigned to a Floor user, and if a user will always be selected in the Assigned User ID field on the Floor screens. The new JustFood Floor User Setup Card window allows you to define a user's default company in Floor, and whether you want the Assigned User ID Filter field on the Floor screens to be populated with the user ID.

Floor User Setup Card

From the Floor About screen, you can now change the company.

Floor About Screen

To set up Floor users:

The following changes were made:

Floor Setup by Location

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You can now set up Floor so that the location determines how certain functions work in Floor. The Floor Setup FastTab was added to Location Card window and allows you to define the Floor setup for the selected location. The Floor Setup FastTab on the Location Card will override the values on the Floor Setup window.

To set up Floor by location:

Delete Item Tracking

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When entering item tracking details while receiving in the Floor Guided interface, you now have the option of deleting the item tracking details if an error was made while entering the data.

To delete item tracking:

Quality Audit Results

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The Quality Audit Entry screen was updated so that Boolean and Code value types are now handled when entering results for a quality audit.

If a quality measure code is set up in JustFood with a Boolean value type, then you can select Yes or No as the result when in Floor.

Quality Audit Results Boolean

If a quality measure code is setup with a Code value type, then, from Floor you can click the Up arrow and select a value.

Quality Audit Results Code

Time Zone

The time zone is no longer checked on handheld devices, which means Floor users will no longer receive the "Your device time doesn't match the Floor website time" error message.


Plant was updated to work with JustFood 2018.

O365 Authentication

You now have the option of logging in to Plant using the Office 365 (O365) authentication. You can choose between using Windows authentication, (default method), NAV authentication or O365 authentication. O365 authentication is used by Cloud customers, and is typically set up by the IndustryBuilt IT team.

The following parameters were added to the plant.exe.config file:

Connection Settings

Once the latest version of Plant is installed, future installs will no longer overwrite the connection settings.

If you want to override all of the users' connections settings for Plant during an install, you can set the PushSettingsVersion property in the Plant.exe.config file to the Plant version that you're installing. When you override the connection settings, the following properties will be overwritten:


Scheduler was updated to work with JustFood 2018.

If you are upgrading Scheduler, you should uninstall the app, and then reinstall it.

O365 Authentication

You now have the option of logging in to Scheduler using the Office 365 (O365) authentication. You can choose between using Windows authentication, (default method), NAV authentication or O365 authentication. O365 authentication is used by Cloud customers, and is typically set up by the IndustryBuilt IT team.

The following parameters were added to the scheduler.exe.config file:

Shortage Indicators

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The Shortage indicators in Scheduler are no longer automatically calculated.

The Show Shortage Indicators action was added to the menu bar. Click the action to calculate the shortage indicators.

Scheduler Shortage Indicators


The Commerce application was removed, and is no longer available in JustFood 2018. A new Commerce extension can now be installed instead.

The following changes were made:

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JustFood 2018 ( | February 2018