After you have set up how JustFood interacts with the Floor application (How to: Set up Floor), you have the option of defining settings based on location.
The Floor settings on the Location Card window will override the settings on the Floor Setup window.
In the Search box, enter Locations, and then choose the related link.
Open the location that you want to add Floor settings to.
On the Floor Setup FastTab, enter the following information:
Enable Floor Setup: Select the check box. This enables the rest of the fields on the FastTab.
Default Place Bin: If the check box is selected, JustFood’s pick creation function will pre-populate the Place Bin field on the Floor Warehouse Pick-Classic screen. If the check box is not selected, the Place Bin field will remain blank and must be populated by the Floor user.
Auto-Release Whse Ship on Pick: If the check box is selected, when a Floor user selects a warehouse shipment that has an Open status, the warehouse shipment will automatically be released. If the check box is not selected, a Floor user cannot select a warehouse shipment that has an Open status.
Do Not Allow Qty. greater than Std. Rep Qty. on Output Journal: Select this check box if you do not want to allow Floor users to post quantities, from the Output Journal screen, that are greater than the value in the Std. Reporting Qty. field on the Item Card window. For example, you may want Floor users to only post one pallet at a time.
Whse. Shipment Pick Creation: If the check box is selected, in Floor, when a line is opened on the Warehouse Shipments screen,
If a pick does not exist, the system generates a new pick directing the user to the multiple bins where the FEFO lots exist in the warehouse.
If a pick already exists, the existing pick is opened.
If the check box is cleared, in Floor, when a line is opened on the Warehouse Shipments screen, the pick assumes the default bin, and the quantity is automatically registered.
Auto-Open Quality Audit on Receipt: Select the check box if you want the Floor application to automatically open the newly created quality audit when a receipt is posted and a quality audit is generated.
Auto-Open Build Container on Receipt: Select the check box if you want the Floor application to build containers once a receipt is posted. This check box needs to be selected (and Create Containers set to display for the WHRCPT_LINE interface on the Interfaces window) in order for the Create Containers field to be available on the Whse. Receipt Entry screen in Floor.
Default Create Containers on Receipt: Select the check box if you want the Floor application to automatically select Yes for the Create Containers field on the Whse. Receipt Entry screen. In order for the Create Containers field to be displayed in Floor, Auto-Open Build Containers on Receipt needs to be checked, and the Create Containers set to display in the WHRCPT_LINE interface.
Open the Floor Setup window.
On the Home tab, in the Process group, choose Initialize Interfaces.
Select the Replace Existing Interfaces check box if you want to return to the default interfaces. Normally, this check box is left blank.
Select the Show New Fields as Visible check box if you want any new fields to be visible. Normally, this check box is selected.
Close the Floor Setup window.
Once the interface information is updated in JustFood, you need to reload the Floor interfaces.
Open the Floor application.
On the Main Menu, tap the Help icon.
Tap Reload Menus and Interfaces.
Tap the Back icon to return to the Main Menu.
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JustFood 2018 ( | February 2018