About Item Recalls

The Item Recall functionality allows our JustFood Customers to generate an item recall based on a series of filters such as item number, lot number and serial number. In the generated recall, customers can look at a purchased item, and see where it was used and where it was sold. Or customers can view the reverse, and look at a sold item, and see where it was used and where it was purchased.

To See
Learn how to set up the number series for item recalls, create an item recall, and create item recall and posted item recall reports Work with Item Recalls
View a walkthrough for an origin to usage recall Walkthrough: Performing an Item Recall (Original to Usage)
View a walkthrough for a usage to origin usage recall Walkthrough: Performing an Item Recall (Usage to Origin)
View a walkthrough for setting up and sending a general notification when an item recall is posted Walkthrough: Setting up and Sending a General Notification for a Posted Item Recall

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JustFood 2018 ( | February 2018