JustFood Workflow Events

JustFood delivers workflow events, which can cause a general notification email to be sent to a defined user.

You can choose events from the Workflow window. For more information on workflows, see Set up General Notification Workflows.

Event Description
A bin record is changed The event is triggered when a bin record is changed. One way this event could be used is to send a notification when a bin is blocked. See Walkthrough: Set up and Send a General Notification for a Blocked Bin.
A bin content record is changed The event is triggered when the content in a bin is changed.
A production BOM record is changed The event is triggered when a production BOM is changed.
A production BOM version record is changed The event is triggered when a production BOM version is changed.
A purchase order line is over-received The event is triggered when you receive more items than what was on the purchase order line.
A purchase order line is under-received The event is triggered when you receive fewer items than what was on the purchase order line.
A quality audit is created The event is triggered when a quality audit is created manually or automatically.
A quality audit is posted The event is triggered when a quality audit is posted.
A quality hold is performed The event is triggered when a quality hold is posted from the Quality Hold Journal window.
A routing record is changed The event is triggered when a routing is changed.
A routing version record is changed The event is triggered when a routing version is changed.
A sales order line is over-shipped The event is triggered when you ship more items than what was on the sales order line.
A sales order line is under-shipped The event is triggered when you ship fewer items than what was on the sales order line.
An item recall is posted The event is triggered when an item recall is posted from the Item Recall window. See Walkthrough: Set up and Send a General Notication for a Posted Item Recall.
An item unit of measure record is changed The event is triggered when an item's unit of measure has changed (from the Item Card, then the Units of Measure action).

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JustFood 2018 ( | February 2018